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What you see is what you hear

Cosmos Bogota


by Almira Medaric

I work as a visual artist and create objects, installations, paintings and wallpaintings. So for me, working with sound was a challenge. In Bogota I rst recorded, but realized that I wanted to used my own technique to ex- periment with sound, I needed something on which to focus.

By going through the city and recording I started to take pictures and reali- zed that sound is something that we can also see. In Bogota sound is ever- ywhere and at most dense where the architecture also dense is. This series of photographs is showing this. I make them speak, as the idea is to look at the picture and already hear the noises of the city as I heard them while taking the pictures. Sometimes there are not so loud, but are present on the background, but sometimes they overwhelm you, as does the addition of many types of architecture. Hearing is seeing. 

ECO Laboratorio de Murciélagos.

Serie de conversaciones inconclusas.


from Sylvia Jaimes

In 2015, I interviewed a series of friends asking them to explain what they understood by echo.

My purpose was to create a rhizomatic first approach to this concept, in relation to direct experience and vague scientific terms or knowledge.



by Esneider Alfonso Gamboa Burbano

Being director, guide, host and representative of Colombian cultures, there are diverse ideas, conflicts, possibilities, obstacles, paths and infinity of mental processes; Because exploring the sound as plastic material, approaches universes almost impossible to cover, being necessary a focus. Colombia is a very touristy tropical country, which can cause the project to fall into a different dynamic, with the possibility of remaining in a superficial exploration of a culture as rich and multi- ethnic as this country.

I am convinced that one of the positive paths of humanity is mestizaje, the greater and greater, the elimination of border nationalism, patriotism, absurd extremism, foolish.
For the project I am interested in the sounds of nature, animals, territory, word, voice, language, languages, ways of communication, mixing and relationship between languages, different places, soundscapes, quantum, gestual and psychic communication, even beyond sound.




Contribution on the City of Bogotá. Conception, planning and evolution of this city, first the beginning:

"Santa Fe de Bogotá, the first Spanish name, is imposed on two names that received this land: Bacatá, Muisca culture and Muquetá -Chibcha, feminine and ancestral terms of these two peoples who lived and shared cultures and languages. The colonization of Spanish, a foreign language, generates the mixture of these three cultures, languages, societies.

An interdisciplinary research (architects, astronomical experts, historians, among others) led by professor Andrés Jaramillo, architect, finds that it was the Muisca cosmology, and not so much the sociopolitical interests of Spanish elites and their rules for the foundation of cities , Which was predominant to erect the first urban centers.


"Professor Jaramillo mentions that the Muiscan dominions were divided between the territory of the Moon - to the south, in the Savannah of Bogota - and that of the Sun, to the north, whose seat of government was Hunza, now Tunja. The Zaque had the dominions of the Sun, and the Zipa had those of the Moon.

According to this context, another evidence of the importance of symmetry for the Muiscas is formed. This is the location of some localities on which passes a line of 187 km, without any deviation, that connects the fence of Tunja (or Tunjo) stones in Facatativá, with Sogamoso or Sua Mox, which means the sun's dwelling.


The first reference of this line is the locality of Subachoque (Su-Shock, work of the Sun), and on the other side the opposite referent is Sia-Choque or Chia (or called of the Moon) "so that between those two points will be generated The tension and the balance between the areas in charge of Zipa and those of Zaque, "says architect Jaramillo.

What history has compiled by the accounts and records of the chroniclers, attributes to the Spaniards their mobility and establishment in multiple places of the savannah by their frenetic search of the treasure El Dorado that, in conclusion determined the settlements of the Savannah of Bogota .


"Texts and images of article U.N. Journal No. 205 National University of Colombia. 

Siendo director, guía, anfitrión y representante de las culturas colombianas, aparecen diversidad de ideas, conflictos, posibilidades, obstáculos, caminos e infinidad de procesos mentales; porque explorar el sonido como materia plástica, aborda unos universos casi imposibles de abarcar, siendo necesario una focalización. Colombia es un país tropical muy turístico, lo cual puede hacer caer el proyecto en una dinámica distinta, existiendo la posibilidad de quedarnos en una exploración superficial de una cultura tan rica y pluriétnico como es este país.

Soy un convencido que uno de los caminos positivos de la humanidad es el mestizaje, cuanto más grande y mayor, se eliminan los nacionalismos de frontera, patriotismo, extremismos absurdos, insensatos.
Para el proyecto me interesan los sonidos de naturaleza, animales, territorio, palabra, voz, lenguaje, lenguas, maneras de comunicación, mixtura y relación entre lenguajes, diferentes lugares, paisajes sonoros, quantum, comunicación gestual y psíquica, incluso más allá del sonido.


Aporte sobre la Ciudad de Bogotá. Concepción, planeación y evolución de esta ciudad, primero el inicio: 

“Santa Fe de Bogotá, primer nombre español, se impone a dos nombres que recibía esta tierra: Bacatá, de la cultura Muisca y Muquetá Chibcha, términos femeninos y ancestrales de estos dos pueblos que convivían y compartían, culturas y lenguajes. La colonización del español, una lengua foránea, genera la mezcla de estas tres culturas, lenguas, sociedades.

Una investigación interdisciplinaria (arquitectos, expertos en astronomía, historiadores, entre otros) liderada por el docente Andrés Jaramillo, arquitecto, constata que fue la cosmología Muisca, y no tanto los intereses sociopolíticos de las elites españolas y sus normas para la fundación de las ciudades, la que resultó predominante para erigir los primeros centros urbanos.

“El profesor Jaramillo menciona que los dominios muiscas estaban divididos entre el territorio de la Luna- al Sur, en la sabana de Bogotá – y el del Sol, al norte, cuya sede de gobierno era Hunza, hoy Tunja. El Zaque tenía los dominios del Sol, y el Zipa los de la Luna.
Según dicho contexto se conforma otra evidencia de la importancia que tuvo la simetría para los Muiscas. Esta es la ubicación de algunas localidades sobre las cuales pasa una línea de 187 km, sin desviación alguna, que conecta el cercado de las piedras de Tunja (o del Tunjo) en Facatativá, con Sogamoso o Sua Mox, que significa morada del Sol.

El primer referente de esa línea es la localidad de Subachoque (Sua-Choque, trabajo del Sol), y del otro lado el referente opuesto es Sia-Choque o Chía (o llamado de la Luna) “para que entre esos dos puntos se generara la tensión y el equilibrio entre las áreas a cargo del Zipa y las del Zaque”, indica el arquitecto Jaramillo.

Lo que la historia ha recopilado por los relatos y registros de los cronistas, les atribuye a los españoles su movilidad y establecimiento en múltiples lugares de la sabana por su frenética búsqueda del tesoro El Dorado que, como conclusión determinó los asentamientos de la Sabana de Bogotá.


” Textos e imágenes de articulo U.N. Periódico N. 205 Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Vibration Codes on the Surface of the Unknown.

Surrealistic ride with passengers


by Tea Hatadi



     video upload soon     


by Mirjam Wanner


Collecting voices of young girls and women in all three countries and its cities – Bogota, Zagreb, Frauenfeld/Zurich. I want to ask them simple questions like:


What means freedom to you?
Where do you feel the most comfortable?
What do you wish for yourself/your female friends/girls and women in general? Can you sing me a song (that means something to you)?


Over all i’m interested in girls and womens perspective of their every day living and their wishes for the future for themself, but also for other girls and women.

Through the Project i can establish a web of threads between the three cities and two continents – with the focus on young girls voices. The idea allows me to work quite simple and to go to a lot of different places.

I also do film this short interviews.


Short definition of freedom:

Freedom means in general the oportunity to choose without any pressure between different possibilities and also to decide. The term names a state of autonomy of a subject.


Kurze Definition von Freiheit:

Freiheit (lateinisch libertas) wird in der Regel als die Möglichkeit verstanden, ohne Zwang zwischen unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten auswählen und entscheiden zu können. Der Begriff benennt in Philosophie, Theologie und Recht der Moderne allgemein einen Zustand der Autonomie eines Subjekts.




avaricia / video / 3:15 / 2015 


by Natalia Guevara

Greed is consider a capital Sin, Sin that is associated with the rapacious desire to accumulate material possessions. 

The environment is affected every day by human greed we are greedy when we buy useless technology that ends up filling the garbage dumps of the world, when we waste water and energy, when our life revolves to buy and consume, when there is overproduction of food in some countries and scarcity in others. 

Greed leaves other living beings, without food, without housing and without option to develop, every good or bad step that we give in the world affects others, Greed is a work that manifests the desire to have, regardless of how to do it , Endanger our ecosystem, humans have believed that nature must give us what we need, water, food, air, without giving a sign of gratitude or respect, caring for our environment Allows all animal species to live in dignity and should not change their role in nature, birds eating meat of their own species in garbage left by the human, tells us how living things are link with needs but also how Resist to disappear at the hands of man and ambition.

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